September 28, 2020
Fourth Quarter 2020 Newsletter
Investors have never experienced a year like 2020. Yet, we all face another hurdle ahead: The Presidential Election. Approaching November, the investment community will carefully analyze the potential market impact of different electoral outcomes. The results will inevitably influence the debate on how our political leaders fundamentally handle the domestic economy, wage growth, and position...
June 30, 2020
Third Quarter 2020 Newsletter
Conducting post-mortems on investment decision-making should be a routine exercise for all investors with the goal of continual improvement. The luxury of time allows for an introspective look into your decision-making. COVID-19 brought elevated volatility and ambiguity. This experience tested each of us as we embraced the societal and health implications of the virus as...
March 31, 2020
Second Quarter 2020 Newsletter
During periods of market stress and elevated volatility, it is important to pause and reflect on what truly matters to each of us. This important thought exercise helps us better understand why we invest. Placing precious family assets into the capital markets is a daunting and formidable task even under normal circumstances. When times become...
March 13, 2020
A Notice to our Clients: Coronavirus (COVID-19)
As the uncertainty of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues, we at Sabal Trust would like to assure you that we are monitoring events regularly as they unfold. We are staying apprized of updates from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). ...
March 3, 2020
First Quarter 2020 Newsletter
Is your glass half full or half empty? Everybody views the world through a unique set of lenses, which impacts their decision-making. The debate over the economic cycle’s sustainability and durability has investors taking both sides of the argument. Additionally, a highly polarized political environment will likely divide investors along party lines leading up to...