

November 7, 2016

Fourth Quarter 2016 Newsletter

Situational awareness is critical for any investor. We must recognize the prevalent risks that exist across the broader economic landscape. Approaching the Presidential election in November, we, along with the rest of the investment community, continue to analyze the market impact of potential outcomes. Against this uncertain backdrop, maintaining a long-term focus is critical as...

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June 28, 2016

Third Quarter 2016 Newsletter

The duration of the current economic recovery recently surpassed the seven year mark, making this cycle one of the longest during the post-World War II era. While extended in length, the economic environment lacks robust growth, resulting in a chorus of calls to further stimulate via public policy measures. However, the economic cycle continues moving...

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April 14, 2016

Second Quarter 2016 Newsletter

Viewing today’s world through a set of risk management lenses allows investors to adopt a cautious, yet more upbeat tone than seen in the press headlines. Market volatility, elevated uncertainty, and heightened stress characterize the current investment environment. However, a healthier consumer, financially stable business sector, and continuing recovery in the housing market offer a strong foundation...

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Press Releases

February 3, 2016

Brian Ceras Graduates from Cannon Financial Institute as Honor Graduate

Brian Ceras, Principal, Sabal Trust, St. Petersburg, FL was among 28 professionals who attended Trust School III offered by Cannon Financial Institute (CFI). CFI’s School is a three year program, consisting of 38 hours of classroom instruction each year. Diplomas are awarded upon completion of the entire sequence. Additionally, Brian Ceras successfully completed Cannon Trust...

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January 11, 2016

First Quarter 2016 Newsletter

In the U.S., unprecedented levels of economic stimulus appear to have paid off. GDP has shown slow, but steady, growth, unemployment is below levels experienced prior to the Great Recession and the Federal Reserve is taking its initial step away from a zero-interest rate policy for the first time since December 2008.

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